Storytelling in Schools
I am available for storytelling in schools throughout Scotland and worldwide.
Most schools book a full day visit, allowing me to spend time with every year group. I can select stories on a particular theme, such as Irish myths or Norse myths, or you can let me choose whichever stories I think your pupils will enjoy. I don’t just tell traditional stories - I weave in my own experiences, such as tracking chimpanzees in Uganda, trekking in the Himalayas, caring for a baby monkey in the Amazon, swimming with sharks in Thailand and seeking out Komodo dragons in Indonesia!
All my storytelling sessions feature live music on didgeridoo, jaw harp, drums and percussion. My aim is not only to entertain and inform your pupils – I want to show them that my dreams have come true, and so can theirs.
Sessions in Scottish schools are eligible for funding from Scottish Book Trust’s Live Literature Fund.
Read my profile on the Directory of Scottish Storytellers here.

‘When Talorc asked if that was true or not, she said it happened far away, where there was no such thing as true or false.’
- The Shattering Sea

Storytelling at Festivals & Events
Storytelling is a fantastic addition to all kinds of events. I have been hired to tell stories at weddings, parties and awards ceremonies; in libraries, museums, yoga centres and prisons.
I have told stories at festivals and events worldwide including Boom Festival, The Scottish International Storytelling Festival, Storyfest Singapore, The Edinburgh International Book Festival, The Global Eclipse Gathering, Kaleidoscope Festival, G5A Mumbai, Noisily Festival, The Green Gathering, Knockengorroch World Ceilidh, Kelburn Garden Party and Eden Festival.
Choose from one of my set performances or allow me to create a unique programme for your event.

‘Raven moved through the forest, following the sun. She grew wise in the ways of the wild wood, shunning the places where people lived.’
- The Six Swans

‘Every evening, the old man took the bucket to the rocky buttress overlooking the western sea. As the sun scattered gold over the mountains, he held up his works in his hands, one by one.’
- The Makers of Dreams

Performance Pieces
You can book me to tell stories chosen for your event, or you can choose a specific performance piece.
My performance pieces are:
Further West Than West; Stories of the Sidhe
I Would Drink of Your Heart’s Blood; Tales from the Scottish Islands
The Cup of Life; Tales of Finn MacCoull & the Fianna
John Muir; The Wilderness Within
The Missing Lynx; Britain’s Ancient Animals
The Medicine Wheel; Animistic Medicine Stories
Jungle Boogie; Wild Tales for Wild Kids

‘Blue-skinned and white-eyed, her breath so cold that it shattered stars, the Cailleach sought a new home.’
-The Cailleach